Local Missions
- Beauty for Ashes – A 6 family residence in Alexandria, IN for battered women.
- Christian Center – A ministry which houses, clothes, and feeds men in Anderson, IN
- Madison County Sheriff Chaplaincy – A ministry that shares the good news of Christ to the imprisoned, victims, sheriff’s department employees and their families.
- Harmony House- A ministry that provides free meals, clothing, showers, and laundry services to the homeless and those in need.
International Missions
- Mark and Kathy Fulton are missionaries serving the people of Haiti
- Abby Cabello is a missionary serving the Dominican Republic
- Mission Haiti Medical
- Honduran Sister Church in Las Conchas
International Mission Trip Opportunities
God has called us to REACH OUT to the world! Florida Station Church of God is proud to assist in fulfilling this call by offering service projects in both Honduras and Haiti. These short term mission trips are geared toward those who have a heart for experiencing new cultures and serving in the less than ideal environments.
Haiti – In 2012, we began working with and supporting Mission Haiti Medical. Our week-long trips occur semiannually and focus on showing the love of Christ through health care efforts and supporting the needs of the ongoing growth of MHM’s hospital. Estimated cost: $1,200 – $1,400
Honduras – Florida Station has developed a close relationship with our sister-church in Las Conchas, Honduras. We organize work camps and work along side the Honduran people to accomplish goals set with the church, their pastor and their community.
Estimated cost: $1,200 – $1,400
Garry and Desi Busby – Missions Minister